Sew much to sew, sew little time... Welcome! This blog is to showcase some custom orders that I have sewn and sold privately. Browse through and contact me if you are interested! Enjoy!

"Let your conversation be always full of grace and seasoned with salt..." Colossians 4:6

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another of my favorite things...

A while back I shared a blog about "one of my favorite things."  Well, that was definitely a summer shot, but here's a favorite shot from the winter.  And my favorite thing?  Wet snow that clings to every branch and nook and cranny in the woods...  This happened to be Valentine's Day, and this was the view my husband and I took in as we walked down the road after the bus stop.
Look closely on the mailbox up ahead!

And this is what I've been sewing the last 2 days!!  These are being previewed by a friend tonight at Craft Night (yeah!), and then LOOK FOR THEM ON MY ETSY SITE!  Yes, I'm finally getting back to listing!