Sew much to sew, sew little time... Welcome! This blog is to showcase some custom orders that I have sewn and sold privately. Browse through and contact me if you are interested! Enjoy!

"Let your conversation be always full of grace and seasoned with salt..." Colossians 4:6

Saturday, July 28, 2012


THANKS to a very dear friend who ordered just the journal and is making a donation to the Miller Adoption!  (see previous post) Blessings!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sewing for Adoption

Friends of our's are in the process of adoption!  God is teaching them so much, and we as friends are being blessed by their trust in His guidance.  You can read about their journey here.  In May they held a benefit dinner and auction, and I had the privilege of sewing a purse and journal set for their Chinese raffle.  Here's what I made!  If you would like to custom order a similar set, sticking to the ASIAN theme!, all proceeds will go toward their adoption.  To replicate this bag and journal (not necessarily same fabric) would be $70.00.  Email me here if you are interested!  Or contact me through my etsy site at