Sew much to sew, sew little time... Welcome! This blog is to showcase some custom orders that I have sewn and sold privately. Browse through and contact me if you are interested! Enjoy!

"Let your conversation be always full of grace and seasoned with salt..." Colossians 4:6

Monday, October 15, 2012

 My latest creation!  I think it turned out very pretty.  This is to say thanks to a sweet friend who provided corn for our winter freezer! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Canning Rings + Crafty Things = Cute Pumpkin!

Isn't this the cutest thing?  I learned to make this from my friend, Bevy, check her out at  Simply tie tightly 14-16 canning rings, old and rusty, gold and silver mix, is perfect.  Arrange rings into a circle.  Stick in a twig with some leaves from outside or craft leaves if you have them.  Tie with jute, twine, or raffia.  Be creative!  Instant decor for Autumn with things around the house, and takes about 3 minutes after you gather your supplies.